Tribunal Ordinance 1962 Amendment Ordinance 1996

        No 31, 1996

        An Ordinance to amend the Tribunal Ordinance 1996.

        The Synod of Diocese of Sydney Ordains -


        1. This Ordinance is the Tribunal Ordinance 1962 Amendment Ordinance 1996.


        2. The Tribunal Ordinance 1962 is amended as follows -

        (a) in clause 14 -

        (i) the following matter is inserted after the word “Respondent” where it first appears -

        “and there are no circumstances which prevent the Respondent from receiving a fair trial before the Tribunal”; and

        (ii) the following matter is inserted after the words “made out” where they secondly appear -

        “or that there are circumstances which prevent the Respondent from receiving a fair trial before the Tribunal”;

        (b) in clause 20 the following new subclause (iii) is inserted -

        “(iii) The Tribunal may dismiss a charge if it is of the opinion that there are circumstances which prevent the Respondent from receiving a fair trial.”; and

        (c) in clause 21 -

        (i) after the words “committed by such person” in the first sentence, the following is inserted-

        “which involves a breach of faith, ritual or ceremonial”; and

        (ii) the second sentence is deleted.


        3. The amendments to the Tribunal Ordinance 1962 made by clause 2 apply in respect of conduct whether occurring before or after the date being 1 year before the date on which this ordinance receives assent.

        I Certify that the Ordinance as printed is in accordance with the Ordinance as reported.

        N.M. CAMERON
        Chairman of Committees

        We Certify that this Ordinance was passed by the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney on 28 October 1996.

        W.G.S. GOTLEY
        B.G. MARSH

        Secretaries of Synod

        I Assent to this Ordinance.

        R.H. GOODHEW
        Archbishop of Sydney
