Resolutions Passed 1993

        (Resolutions 1/93 to 9/93 were passed at the Archbishop's Appointment Synod in March and April 1993.)

        10/93 Ordination of Women to the Priesthood
        Synod notes the report of the Committee appointed pursuant to resolution 10/91 and -

        (a) recognises that evangelicals hold different views on some aspects concerning the ministry of women within our Church; and

        (b) recommends that there be a moratorium on the issue of the ordination of women to the priesthood until at least the 44th Synod.

        (The Rev T.J. Harris - 11.10.93)

        11/93 Use of Anglican Churches for Services of other Denominations
        Synod requests Standing Committee to bring to the first possible session of Synod such measures as would allow ministers of our Church, with the agreement of their parish councils and regional bishops, to extend occasional or regular hospitality to clergy or leaders of other churches which profess the Apostolic Faith, allowing them to conduct services according to their forms of worship in our church buildings.
        (The Rev C.J. Clerke - 11.10.93)

        12/93 The Great Commission
        Synod recognises that the commission to make disciples of all nations cannot be adequately addressed by this Church unless it has regard -

        (a) to the necessity for this Church to remain true to the principles of the 39 Articles and The Book of Common Prayer;

        (b) to the need to ever resist the present tendency to conform its values and methods to those of this "fallen" world; and

        (c) to the need to preserve and do whatever is necessary to develop strong viable congregations where the word of God is preached and the sacraments are duly ministered according to Christ's ordinance.

        (The Rev N.E. Prott - 11.10.93)

        13/93 Biblical Doctrines
        This Synod reaffirms its commitment to the Biblical doctrines of -

        (a) the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ;

        (b) the substitutionary atonement achieved by his death; and

        (c) his bodily resurrection from the grave.

        Specifically the Synod reaffirms that -

        (a) God the eternal Son took human nature in the womb of Mary, a virgin;

        (b) he suffered, died and was buried to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice for our sins; and

        (c) he truly rose again from death, taking again his body, with flesh and bones.

        Furthermore Synod reaffirms the solemn duty of all ministers of the gospel to believe, teach and defend these truths, in love, being ready to drive away all false and strange doctrines that are contrary to God's word.
        (The Rev Dr J.W. Woodhouse - 11.10.93)

        14/93 Oaths
        This Synod strongly dissents from the Provisional Canon for the Oaths, Declarations and Assents Canon 1992 on the following grounds -

        (a) Clause 4 requires a clergyman to make a Declaration and Assent to Doctrine and Formularies, but does not prescribe any form. If the form prescribed in the Form of Declaration and Assent Canon 1973 is to be used clause 4 of the Provisional Canon should be amended appropriately.

        (b) Clauses 5 and 6, providing for an Assent by members of the clergy and laity to the Constitutions and Laws of the Church, should be removed. This Synod strongly disapproves of the assent required by these clauses and the imposition or purported imposition by any bishop of that or any similar assent on any person.

        Furthermore, this Synod repeats its view that "no oath should be required so as to bind the conscience of the clergy or laity contrary to the teaching of the Holy Scripture or by anything which is not part of the law of this Church".
        (The Rev B.A. Ballantine-Jones - 11.10.93)

        15/93 Strategy for Church Growth
        This Synod enthusiastically endorses the Archbishop's call to pursue a broad strategy for growth in the spiritual life and witness of our churches and in particular to embark on at least one major experiment with ministry in a suitable area voluntarily sharing ideas and resources, and calls on clergy and congregations in each region and diocesan organisations to co-operate in this initiative and experiment.
        (Mr W.B. Nicholson - 12.10.93)

        16/93 Lay and Diaconal Presidency
        This Synod notes the President's remarks in his Presidential address and requests the Archbishop to confer with the Standing Committee to investigate the impact of lay and diaconal presidency on church order and other matters relating thereto.
        (Mr W.B. Nicholson - 12.10.93)

        17/93 National Aboriginal Anglican Council
        Synod notes that in the $25,000 annual budget of the National Aboriginal Anglican Council, the contribution from the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia is to be $10,000 per annum for the years 1993, 1994 and 1995.

        Synod further notes that the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Sydney has requested its Finance Committee to arrange, from an appropriate fund, the 1994 application from the National Aboriginal Anglican Council for $1,000.
        (Dr L.A. Scandrett - 12.10.93)

        18/93 Bicentenary of Christian and Anglican Education in Australia
        This Synod notes that 1993 has been observed as the Bicentenary of the beginning of Christian and Anglican education in Australia at the first St Philip's Church in Sydney, and expresses its appreciation to the Christian Community Schools for their initiation and organising of the celebration of this anniversary in September, to the Rector and Churchwardens of St Philip's, Church Hill for their assistance, and to those Anglican schools which took part, St Peter's, Campbelltown, Broughton College, Danebank School, St Andrew's Cathedral School, St Paul's School, Penrith and The King's School, Parramatta.
        (The Rev Dr J.R. Bunyan - 12.10.93)

        19/93 500th Anniversary of Tyndale's Birth
        This Synod notes with appreciation the publication by Yale University Press of Tyndale's translation of the New Testament (1989) and his translation of Old Testament books (1992), in fine, inexpensive modern-spelling editions. Synod further notes that 1994 will be observed as the 500th anniversary of Tyndale's birth and commends the celebration of that anniversary.
        (The Rev Dr J.R. Bunyan - 12.10.93)

        20/93 Ministry to the Ageing
        This Synod commends the NSW Premier on appointing the Hon James Longley, MLA as the first Minister on Ageing and assures him of prayerful support of his agenda on positive ageing.

        Synod also encourages the TABA Committee under the control of the Anglican Deaconess Institution, in its work of seeking to assist parish in ministry to the ageing by the ageing.
        (Deaconess M.M. Andrews - 12.10.93)

        21/93 New Episcopal Area of Liverpool/Bankstown
        Synod welcomes the formation of the new episcopal area of Liverpool/Bankstown and the appointment of Ray Smith as a new assistant bishop-elect. Synod requests the Archbishop and the Standing Committee to expedite such matters which will enable the establishment of a Regional Council for the new area.
        (The Rev J. Ramsay - 12.10.93)

        22/93 Stipends and Allowances
        Synod hereby re-appoints the Stipends and Allowances Committee, with power to co-opt, and directs that it report its findings and recommendations to the Standing Committee for action.
        (The Rev T.K. Dein - 11.10.93)

        23/93 Admission of Children to Holy Communion
        Synod, noting the article "The Lord's Supper for the Lord's Children" published in the Reformed Theological Review, (50/1, 1991) requests the Standing Committee -

        (a) to refer the said article to the Diocesan Doctrine Commission and the Board of Education for consideration; and

        (b) to seek the opinion of those bodies as to whether the theological arguments of the article and any perceived related matters warrant a recommittal of the General Synod Canon for the Admission of Children to Holy Communion (Canon 6/85) to a later session of this Synod.

        (Deaconess M.A. Rodgers - 12.10.93)

        24/93 "Principles" of Catholic Order
        Synod respectfully dissents from the assertion by the Primate in his supplementary address to the General Synod on 21 November 1992 that the following are "principles" of Catholic order -

        (1) There can be no implication that a bishop who acts in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of this church is acting improperly.

        (2) No bishop may accept an invitation to minister in another diocese other than with the permission and under the authority of the bishop of that diocese.

        (3) There can be no suggestion that the subsequent sacramental ministrations of a bishop who ordains women to the priesthood somehow become invalid.

        (4) There can be no suggestion that the chief consecrator of a new bishop should be other than the Metropolitan or a bishop acting under the authority of the Metropolitan."

        Further, Synod requests that copies of this resolution be sent to the Primate and each other Australian Bishop, noting that our Standing Committee would welcome discussions on this issue amongst the dioceses.
        (The Rev Dr J.W. Woodhouse - 12.10.93)

        25/93 The Olympic Games for Sydney in 2000
        This Synod respectfully refers the following notices of motions to the Archbishop for noting -

        Motion 10(16)
        Synod recognises the opportunity for the furtherance of the gospel afforded to the City of Sydney by the hosting of the Olympic Games in the year 2000 and asks the Standing Committee to consider ways and make recommendations as to how this opportunity can be maximised.

        Motion 10(17)
        This Synod -

        (a) notes with pleasure that on behalf of the Diocese of Sydney the Archbishop has congratulated the New South Wales Government on its successful bid for the Olympic Games in the Year 2000;

        (b) notes with interest the Archbishop's lead in the forming of strategic plans to take advantage of the opportunities for evangelistic ministry afforded by the Games;

        (c) notes that a number of parishes will be favourably positioned to take advantage of evangelistic opportunities through visitor accommodation event venues and training facilities being in different parts of the city; and

        (d) notes with concern that a number of aspects of our community life in Sydney are already significantly disadvantaged by the current economic climate of our nation, and that the focus on the Olympic Games, and the money spent on preparing for the event, may well be a further distraction from issues of social justice and from the adequate provision for the needs of Sydney's disadvantaged people, and as a result may be an offence to many of the poorer people of our city.

        We as a Synod assure the Archbishop of our support for the planning of evangelistic strategies, and request that some attention also be given to ministry to the disadvantaged of the City, as they may become even more disadvantaged by the focus on the Games for the next 7 years. Further, we request that churches pray for the Archbishop and others involved, and that the Archbishop's planning committee include contact with those churches where events or training venues are located, to ensure adequate strategic planning for outreach to those preparing for the Games, as well as the visitors and athletes here for the Games themselves.

        Motion 10(18)
        This Synod notes that Standing Committee has requested the Archbishop in consultation with the Assistant Bishops and relevant organisations, to consider opportunities for ministry arising out of the successful Sydney bid for the Olympic Games in the Year 2000, and respectfully requests the Archbishop to include in his considerations,

        (a) the assistance this Diocese could provide in the area of hospitality, and

        (b) the conducting of a major Christian celebration at an appropriate venue at the time of the Games.

        Motion 10(19)
        Having in mind the proposed building of a village for competition at the 2000 Olympic Games site and the stated intention of the New South Wales Government to make the village available for general housing after the Games, Standing Committee is requested to take appropriate action to establish suitable premises to provide facilities for worship and mission within the Olympic village.

        (The Rev J.G. Mason - 13.10.93)

        26/93 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977: Homosexual Vilification
        This Synod affirms that an attitude of hatred, verbal and physical abuse and incitement to violence against any group in the community is totally abhorrent to us as Christian people, and calls upon the Fahey government to prepare legislation that is both compassionate and just to deal with these problems in the community.

        Further, Synod is of the opinion that the private members' bill of Ms Clover Moore currently before the Legislative Council is not adequate to meet those problems unless it is amended extensively.

        Synod expresses its preference that the Clover Moore Bill should be rejected by the Legislative Council, with a view to having more appropriate legislation enacted after the Law Reform Commission has issued its report.
        (Mrs L. Hicks - 13.10.93)

        27/93 A Prayer Book for Australia
        Synod notes the interim report of the Diocesan Liturgical Committee and requests that the General Synod Liturgical Commission delay the production of A Prayer Book for Australia until at least the ordinary session of General Synod after that in 1995.
        (The Rev Dr D. Peterson - 13.10.93)

        28/93 Sydney Diocesan Secretariat: Surplus of the Diocesan Endowment
        That this Synod recognises the tremendous efforts of the Secretariat over the past year and gives thanks that their efforts have resulted in a record surplus of the Glebe Board in difficult economic conditions.

        In particular this Synod wishes to give its heartfelt thanks to the Chief Executive Officer, David Fairfull, and his team, whose efforts are directly responsible for the Glebe Board's surplus, thereby making it possible for this Synod to approve an additional $2.3m for the coming year.
        (Dr S. Judd - 13.10.93)

        29/93 Gospel Purposes Outside the Diocese
        This Synod requests that Standing Committee present to it on the next day of the current session an account of the uses or intended uses of those funds designated "Gospel Purposes Outside the Diocese" in the Diocesan Income and Expenditure Ordinance 1993.

        Furthermore the Synod recommends that Standing Committee include a similar account of this item and any grants to bodies outside the control or supervision of the Diocese in future Diocesan Income and Expenditure Ordinances.
        (Mr R.C. Cameron - 13.10.93)

        1/94 Canon David Broughton Knox
        This Synod notes with sorrow the death of Canon David Broughton Knox, former Principal of Moore College, and gives thanks to God for his lifetime of service to the Lord Jesus Christ and his church. The Synod remembers with gratitude the work done by Canon Knox in the Synod and its Standing Committee; in the various commissions and committees of the Diocese and of the Anglican Church of Australia, in his membership of the Chapter of St Andrew's Cathedral, and in his labours at Moore College. In particular we are grateful for his clear and firm adherence by word and deed to the principles of Biblical religion and the witness he bore to its truth. The Synod expresses its sympathy to Mrs Ailsa Knox and the members of the family.
        (Canon P.F. Jensen - 7.3.94)

        2/94 Inter-Church Trade and Industry Commission
        Synod affirms its support for the work of the Inter-Church Trade and Industry Mission (ITIM) and commends it to the parishes as an important area of ecumenical endeavour for sharing the Christian faith in the work-place. Synod also urges more Anglicans to seek training and placement as ITIM Chaplains.
        (The Rev D.G. Davis - 7.3.94)

        3/94 Ministry to Children
        This Synod affirms the importance of ministry to children as a central component in the life and mission of the parish and Diocese and requests the Archbishop to establish a working party to prepare a strategic plan for ministry to children, which will have direct application to parish life and activity and be supported by the integrated work of diocesan departments, the Girls' Friendly Society and the Anglican Boys' Society.
        (Archdeacon L.M. Stoddart - 7.3.94)

        4/94 A Prayer Book for Australia
        Synod notes that in the recent publication "Model and Inspiration: The Prayer Book Tradition Today" (SPCK), the English Liturgical Commission is in favour of the inclusion in the eventual revision of "The Alternative Service Book 1980" of Prayer Book service material, and asks the General Synod Liturgical Commission and especially the General Synod to consider carefully again the inclusion, for pastoral, spiritual and doctrinal reasons, of BCP Morning and Evening Prayer, and the BCP Lord's Supper or Holy Communion, in A Prayer Book for Australia, with such revision that will allow for greater flexibility in the use of those services and that will facilitate their use.
        (The Rev Dr J.R. Bunyan - 7.3.94)

        5/94 AAPB: Production in Computer-Readable Form
        In the light of statements made in paragraph 6.10 of the report of the Standing Committee concerning the uncertain return that would be received for producing AAPB1 in computer-readable form, Synod requests Standing Committee to consult all parishes whether they are now interested in such a resource. Such consultation should inquire as to -

        (a) type of computer hardware used;

        (b) operating system (eg DOS, Windows, NT, Mac);

        (c) media format;

        (d) AAPB1 services required.

        (The Rev S.C. Semenchuk - 7.3.94)

        6/94 New Initiatives in Ministry
        To support our Archbishop's vision to promote God's influence and the teaching of Jesus outside our existing congregations and to utilise and capitalise on the emphasis being placed on sport in the media and community, the Synod requests that the Standing Committee -

        (a) investigate ways and means to create new initiatives, particularly in the sporting community;

        (b) take note of and report on the existing efforts which are being made to make Christ known to the racing industry, which is the 4th largest employer group in Australia;

        (c) examine and recommend a form of chaplaincy system or other ministry, especially focused on the thousands of employees and participants who are involved, but have no contact with any Christian denomination; and

        (d) prepare a report for the next session of Synod.

        (The Rev P. Bayliss - 7.3.94)

        7/94 Copyright Licences for Parishes
        This Synod requests Standing Committee to continue the investigation concerning the option of obtaining copyright licences which would make available to all parochial units in the Diocese a wide range of music to be used in conjunction with overhead projector equipment, and to report back to the Synod after such investigations (including likely costs and the desirability of this resource for parishes).
        (The Rev S.C. Semenchuk - 7.3.94)

        8/94 Planting and Developing New Churches
        This Synod recognises that planting and developing new churches is an effective way to reach our nation with the Gospel and asks the Archbishop respectfully to set up a working party to prepare for the next Synod a report on research into the practice and experience of church planting in Australia and overseas and in the light of that research present a draft diocesan strategy for evangelistic church planting. This report should particularly include examination of research into and recommendations for evangelistic church planting among non-Anglo Saxon ethnic groups within our Diocese.
        (The Rev P.D. Jensen - 7.3.94)

        9/94 Future Patterns of Ministry
        This Synod asks the Archbishop respectfully to establish a committee to report to the next session of Synod on -

        (a) future patterns of ministry (lay, elders, deacons, priests and bishops) especially in relation to -

        (i) tenure,

        (ii) indelibility of orders,

        (iii) licences,

        (iv) the limitations on and flexibilities available to persons exercising ministry; and

        (b) a coherent policy and programme for future patterns and development of ministry (lay and clerical) in this Diocese with particular comment on -

        (i) selection and qualification,

        (ii) recruitment and training,

        (iii) terms of office and tenure,

        (iv) limitations and restrictions on ministry,

        (v) licences,

        (vi) terminology of offices and practices.

        Such report should if possible indicate what legislation would be needed to implement any changes recommended.
        (The Rev P.D. Jensen - 7.3.94)

        10/94 Experimental Sunday Services: Wording of Creeds
        Synod requests the Diocesan Doctrine Commission to prepare a report for distribution to parishes explaining and commenting upon the changes of wording in the Creeds, as found in the Experimental Sunday Services booklet.
        (The Rev T.J. Harris - 7.3.94)

        11/94 Broughton Knox Teaching Centre
        Synod notes the completion of the Broughton Knox Teaching Centre at Moore Theological College and that the Centre is to be opened by the Archbishop at a public ceremony at 2.00 pm on April 9th, and also notes the gratitude of the College Council, Faculty and students for the allocation of $1m by the Synod last October.
        (Canon P.F. Jensen - 8.3.94)

        12/94 Retirement of Mr John Grant Denton OBE
        This Synod notes the impending retirement of Mr John Grant Denton OBE as General Secretary of General Synod after 24 years of distinguished service, expresses its appreciation of his contribution to this Diocese as its Information and Public Relations Office from 1965 to 1969 and its Registrar from 1969 to 1977 and offers its good wishes to John and his wife Shirley for a happy retirement.
        (Bishop P.R. Watson - 8.3.94)

        13/94 Appointment of the Rev Dr B.N. Kaye as General Secretary of General Synod
        Synod learns with pleasure of the appointment of the Rev Dr Bruce Kaye, Master of New College, as the new General Secretary of General Synod and wishes him well in his new position.
        (Archdeacon G.R. Huard - 8.3.94)

        14/94 Retirement Housing for Church Workers
        This Synod noting -

        (a) the requirements for compulsory retirement of clergy under the Sydney Diocesan Retirements Ordinance 1969;

        (b) the consequential need for clergy to provide for their retirement accommodation; and

        (c) the difficulty of acquiring such accommodation partly because of the usual custom of parishes providing church-owned residences for their clerical staff;

        requests the Standing Committee to investigate alternative methods of providing accommodation or alternative remuneration packages to clergy holding the licence of the Archbishop or their widows and stipendiary lay workers during their ministry so that they may finish their working lives with some equity in a residence.

        Synod further requests the Standing Committee to report its findings and recommendations to the next ordinary session of Synod.
        (The Rev T.K. Dein - 8.3.94)

        15/94 Retirement Ages
        Synod requests the Standing Committee to review the present rules made by the Synod regarding retirement ages and to report thereon to the Synod.
        (Mr W.W. Forrester - 8.3.94)

        16/94 Lay Presidency
        In the light of Synod resolution 18/85 endorsing the principle of lay presidency, the report to the 1987 Synod with reports accepting that there existed no doctrinal objection and no legal impediment to lay presidency as contemplated by Synod, and the report to the 1993 Synod stating that there are no sound doctrinal objections to, and there are significant doctrinal reasons for, lay presidency at the Lord's Supper, this Synod requests Standing Committee, in consultation with the Archbishop concerning the matters raised in his Presidential Address, to bring to the next session of Synod legislation to enable deacons and lay persons, in appropriate circumstances, to preside at the Lord's Supper.
        (Dr B.C. Newman - 8.3.94)

        17/94 Motions Referred to the Standing Committee
        That the 8 remaining motions on the business paper be referred to the Standing Committee for consideration.
        (Bishop P.R. Watson - 8.3.94)

        18/94 Procedural Resolutions
        This Synod conveys its best wishes to the President on completion of his first Synod and congratulates him on getting his "P" plates.

        Further, Synod extends its thanks to the members who have given of their time as office holders or who have served us in other ways.

        This Synod wishes to record its appreciation of the services given by the Secretaries, the Returning Officers, the Church Information Officers and the Office staff who have helped with the arrangements for sittings.
        (Canon R. Forsyth- 8.3.94)

        Synod authorises the President to sign the minutes of proceedings of the last day of this session upon the production to the Standing Committee of the certificate of any 2 members of the Minute Reading Committee.
        (Mr W.G.S. GOTLEY - 8.3.94)

        Synod hereby adjourns without appointing another day of meeting.
        (The Rev C.J. Moroney - 8.3.94)