Nominations for the Office of Archbishop of Sydney (2021)

        The Archbishop of Sydney Election Ordinance 1982 (the "Ordinance") sets out a series of steps that must be taken prior to a duly nominated person being listed as a Nominee for the Archbishop of the See of Sydney. The following steps set out the nomination process in brief [with references to the Ordinance in square brackets] –

        • A nominee is considered validly nominated once 20 Synod members have nominated him [subclause 7(3)]. (Nomination forms and FAQs regarding the process are found on the main Synod webpage.)
        • The Nomination Officer must secure the written consent of the nominee to access certain information about the nominee, and willingness to progress in the process [subclause 7A(1)].
        • The Director of Professional Standards (or his delegate) must then administer a Safe Ministry Check; and based on this and other information, the Director must form a view as to whether the nominee is fit for Archiepiscopal ministry (an "Archiepiscopal fitness interview") [subclauses 7A(2) & (3)].
        • Following the declaration of the Director, the Nomination Officer must then advise the nominee in writing of the result of the Archiepiscopal fitness interview [subclause 7A(4)].
        • Seven days following the notice, during which time the nominee may withdraw, the Nomination Officer must publish the nominee’s name on the SDS website (on this page)
          • Until the end of the seven day period, it is required to maintain confidentiality regarding the nominee and his progress [subclause 7A(6)]
          • Once the nomination period closes (5:00pm on Tuesday 23 March) the requirement to wait seven days is removed; and instead the Nomination Officer is to publish the name of the nominee as soon as practicable after advising the nominee of the result of the Archiepiscopal fitness interview [subclause 7A(6)].
        • Throughout this process, the nominee may withdraw for any reason [subclause 7B(1)].
        • As soon as practicable following the completion of the nomination process by all individuals that have been validly nominated, the Administrator will forward to each member of the Synod a list of all nominees, along with their nominators and the results of their Archiepiscopal fitness interviews [clause 8].


        As a result of this process, until the close of the nomination period, the earliest a nominee’s name will realistically appear on this page is 8-9 days after he has been duly nominated by 20 Synod members - in reality it will usually be longer depending on the timing of all the steps in the process. It is reasonable to expect that the name of a nominee may not appear on the website until several days after the nomination closing period, depending on the time it takes to complete the nomination process as described above.

        The Nominees for Archbishop of Sydney, along with their nominators, are listed on the following document: List of Nominations (with Nominators) for the Office of the Archbishop of Sydney